Tips For Studying At Home

By: Plymouth Christian Academy|Date: May 26, 2021|Tags: Academics, Studying

COVID-19 has ushered in an era of virtual learning and studying at home for students everywhere. While communities across Michigan have seen restrictions from social distancing to lockdowns, students have continued their growth in a variety of environments. You can minimize learning disruptions with this set of tips to rely on when it comes to getting the most out of studying at home. Read on for helpful strategies on how to study at home.


Have a Routine

Establishing a routine in the same way you would when getting up and going to school in person is essential. Think about what you can do in the morning to set the tone for the rest of the day. Here are some excellent activities that can direct your actions as you prepare to study at home:

  • Exercise: If you find exercise is invigorating, make a habit of exercising before you sit down for a day of studying. Any exercise will do, from walking and bike riding to lifting weights and yoga. Just get your body moving.
  • Eat: After a night of no food, your body can feel sluggish and your mind a little foggy. Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast causes you to think more clearly, feel more energetic, and focus on the tasks at hand.
  • Employ: Implement things to help you concentrate on studying such as avoiding distractions, taking breaks when needed, and positioning your study space in natural light.

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Create a Dedicated Learning Space

Another aspect of a successful home study routine is to create a dedicated learning space just like you have at school. If you often study in the library, recreating a similar space at home can be an effective way to encourage good habits. Choose a space that is not used for anything but studying at home because you will only want to use this space for one purpose: studying. 

Make sure there is a flat surface to spread out your books and laptop and choose a comfortable chair. Put away your phone. Pray and ask God for a quiet mind and excellent focus. Gather your tools before you begin studying: a calculator, pens, paper, headphones, water—whatever you need to keep distractions to a minimum.


Stay on Track | Keep Everything Up to Date

An excellent way to stay on track and keep everything up to date as you learn how to study at home is to write down what you need to accomplish for the day. Set goals that correspond to the SMART acronym: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. 

List your goals for each class, starting with broad goals like “read pages 36-60,” then add small goals like “locate 2 significant events from each section and take notes on them.” Use the instructions from your teacher to set daily goals for each subject. While this is the computer age, writing your goals on paper with a pen is a great way to be intentional about what you plan to accomplish that day. Experts say that physically checking off the goals as you complete them is an excellent home study idea.


Plymouth Christian Academy | Helping Students Studying At Home

At Plymouth Christian Academy, our goal is to assist students as they engage with studying at home. We know this is new territory for everyone, so we encourage our students to stay in touch regularly with their instructors and peers. When studying remotely, having the accountability of friends and family can also keep students on track.

Your teachers are here to help and answer questions as you work through the material. Remember that you are not alone and there are people and resources to help you succeed in remote learning. At Plymouth Christian Academy, we are committed to lifelong learning to maximize every student’s potential within the framework of a Christian worldview.

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Plymouth Christian Academy

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