Visual Art
Visual Art | Plymouth Christian Academy
Elementary Art at PCA
The Plymouth Christian Academy Elementary Art Program, begindergarten (Early 5’s) through 6th grade, provides students the opportunity to experience and enjoy many different artistic mediums. They are encouraged to use their God-given creativity to the fullest while learning and practicing a variety of techniques. We celebrate their individuality as it manifests itself through their art pieces.
We have two Fine Arts Evenings each year that showcase the visual arts, band, and vocal music departments of Plymouth Christian Academy. Our artistically talented students proudly display many interesting and creative works of art such as pottery, crayon resists, stenciling, texturing, paper mache’, painting, drawing, and weaving.
Each piece of art is as unique as the artist who created it. These exhibits are organized in conjunction with the art curriculum and are an integral part of the school’s efforts to promote the exploration of self-expression in our elementary students. It is amazing to see the various personalities of our students emerge through their artwork.
Elementary Christmas Art Exhibit
Secondary Art at PCA
The Secondary Art Program at Plymouth Christian Academy provides students a system for communicating ideas and feelings about God, themselves, and the world around them. Through the act of creating, students are challenged to exercise their minds, solve problems, and to utilize their imaginations while formulating new ideas.
Participation in an art program contributes to the development of several positive character qualities including teamwork, flexibility, appreciation and respect for others’ ideas, and the discovery of students’ God-given artistic talents in order to reclaim the arts for God’s glory.
PCA’s Fine Arts Department offers visual art study through Drawing & Painting Studio, Ceramics Studio, Advanced Art, Portfolio Development and AP Studio Art for both drawing and 2-D portfolios. In addition, 7th graders receive a quarter of art education, and the Yearbook class is a fine arts course.
Art Exhibitions & Other Artistic Opportunities
- Two art exhibits each year showcase student talent and allows the PCA community to partner in our art education efforts.
- Students who have a desire to participate in the school’s art community may qualify to participate in the National Art Honor Society.
Plymouth Christian Academy is a member of the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and participates in the Festival of Trees at Christmas, and the Fall Festival showcasing the work of PCA students. Plymouth Christian Academy is a member of the Plymouth Community Arts Council, which gives us the ability to use their many resources in our classrooms.
Secondary Virtual Art Exhibits
We invite you to enjoy the following videos that feature art work by our students!