Elementary STEM Classes
STEM Elementary Classes | Plymouth Christian Academy
STEM Education helps students to understand how the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics impact their world and prepare them for the workforce of tomorrow. We want our school to provide a learning environment where students are given the opportunity to experience, talk, debate, discover, create, and build on a campus where we begin with God’s Word as our foundation of Truth. Plymouth Christian Academy wants our students to use this STEM Lab to learn to lead the way to innovation… learning today …. and making a better tomorrow.
All elementary students at Plymouth Christian Academy experience a large variety of engaging, hands-on lab activities from Begindergarten through the Sixth Grade. These activities coincide with the science they learn during their regular classroom time. STEM Lab is considered one of the “specials” for our elementary students and meets one time each week with each class.
The following are some examples of the work that takes place in STEM Lab:
· Observing living cells and crystals with microscopes
· Extracting the DNA strands of strawberries
· Making slime, acid base reactions, and “elephant toothpaste” by working with chemicals
· Examining rocks, fish, worms, and baby plants seeds closely with magnifying glasses
· Designing stomp rockets, volcanos, and water wells
· Observing the inside of a flower and owl pellets by using dissecting tools
· Collecting specimens from our campus with butterfly nets
· Designing exciting projects by using electric circuits
· Creating structures with construction materials
· and so much more!
Each of these experiments and more are included in the 10-12 units of study outlined in their science textbook.
These units include the following:
· The Nature of Science
· Technology and Design
· Changing Forms of Energy
· Forces and Motion
· Properties of Matter
· Earth and Space
· The Earth’s Surface
· The Water Cycle and Weather
· Plants and Animals
· Structure and Function of Bodily Systems
· Ecosystems
· Earth’s Resources
The explorations and discoveries made in the STEM Lab are endless, filled with excitement and provide numerous opportunities to learn about the world God created the world and how He holds it all together.