The Eagle Fund
The Annual Eagle Fund | Plymouth Christian Academy
The Annual Eagle Fund at Plymouth Christian Academy helps to ensure that the quality of education at PCA is exceptional. The Eagle Fund is the community’s way of ensuring we give PCA Eagles the best opportunities each year and continue to educate our children for lives of learning, leadership, and service.
Make a Big Impact With a Future Gift.
Every Gift Counts. Every Year.
Together with our school community, we send a strong signal of support for PCA’s mission through our collective generosity. The Annual Eagle Fund, our annual giving campaign, ensures faculty and students unparalleled experiences in academics, athletics, arts, and all areas of pursuit on campus.
From attracting and retaining gifted faculty to offering access to bright, motivated students, gifts to the Eagle Fund help us provide a challenging, relevant, and vibrant experience - every day for every PCA Eagle.
Your Participation Matters.
Gifts to the Annual Eagle Fund provide unrestricted resources that have a direct bearing on the quality of a Plymouth Christian Academy education. Your gifts ensure that PCA continues to provide the best possible education for our students and for generations to come.
For the teacher who inspires, the coach who guides, the leadership that ignites, or the servants who give back, gifts of every size support the possibilities that are unleashed on our campus each day.
Your Participation Matters.
Gifts to the Annual Eagle Fund provide unrestricted resources that have a direct bearing on the quality of a Plymouth Christian Academy education. Your gifts ensure that PCA continues to provide the best possible education for our students and for generations to come.
For the teacher who inspires, the coach who guides, the leadership that ignites, or the servants who give back, gifts of every size support the possibilities that are unleashed on our campus each day.
Why We Give.
Inspired by its history and committed to our future, faithful donors invest in the training of tomorrow’s leaders by including Plymouth Christian Academy in their giving plans. Students with immeasurable potential have the opportunity to become impactful scholars, artists, athletes, leaders, and servants for Christ.
When financial barriers are removed, we are able to retain quality teachers and provide an exceptional learning environment. With your gift, the unimaginable becomes possible!