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Eagle News…October 17-October 24

By: Webmaster|Date: Oct 17, 2020|Tags: Eagle News

Dear PCA Family,
Since the beginning of this pandemic, it has been our top priority to deliver the best education to our PCA families in the safest way possible. We also recognize that the information about the virus is still developing, and with that knowledge will come changes in protocols and plans with how we deal with it. Finally, we recognize that there is a wide range of beliefs about COVID-19 within our school family. With this in mind, I want to affirm our stance at PCA and share my heart as we look to the coming months.
  1. We are fully committed to the safety and health of our staff, faculty, and students. We will complete the daily health screening, stay home when sick, wear our masks, and social distance.
  2. While we understand the many different viewpoints about this virus and this pandemic, as a school, we are committed to following the protocols of our local health department and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
  3. We will continue to update our weekly dashboard (see below) so that you have full understanding of our current situation.
  4. We are committed to communicating with you in a timely matter regarding all things COVID-19.
  5. We will protect the identity of those who are sick, and ask that our school family help us with this.
  6. We will commit to “Loving our Neighbor” as Christ has called us to do, even when it causes an inconvenience to ourselves. We pledge to #protecttheflock and #loveourneighbor throughout this pandemic.
Please talk with your student and your family about these commitments that PCA is making and ask how you can join with us to build a stronger Christian community at PCA. Let us be known as a bright and shining light, growing more like Christ and loving each other well during this difficult season.
 “‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
Educating for Eternity,
Caryn Huntsman



Do you know anyone seeking an in-person, Christian-based kindergarten education for their child? We have exciting news! PCA is seeking the Lord’s direction regarding adding a third kindergarten class. We need at least 10 new applicants to make it a reality, with the hopes of starting this new class on October 26th! Share this news. You can contact us at today!

On the Calendar

As surely as the leaves change colors, so goes our school calendar during this fluid time in our history as a school. Before you know it, the best laid plans need rescheduling or revamping. With that in mind, we’ve got some calendar news that may bring balance to students and teachers who are under a new kind of stress as we navigate new health and safety protocols, the strain of new technology, live streaming and so much more. Since we’ve been able to add more academic time into the school day, we have the flexibility to work in a Fall and Thanksgiving Break and an extra day at Christmas.
  • October 21: Kaiser Picture Retake Day, 8am-12pm
  • October 23; 1/2 day of school. Elementary students will be dismissed at 11am. Secondary will be dismissed at 11:10am
  • Monday-Friday, November 23-27; Thanksgiving Break
  • Friday, December 18 – Monday, January 4, 2021; Christmas Break. Friday, Dec. 18 is now a full day off rather than a half day. We return to school on Tuesday, January 5.

Health & Safety

Weekly Dashboard

This past week, you received several emails containing information regarding our COVID-19 activity. We pledge to provide updated and accurate information regarding cases at PCA, as well as the number of individuals in quarantine at any given time due to close contact. As a school, we are following the Wayne County Health Department guidelines each step of the way through this process.

Are Online Reviews Really That Important?

Last week we told you how important your online reviews are to PCA. This week, we want to give you the opportunity to help us without ever leaving home!
While we love online reviews, we really love them when they are spaced out over weeks and months. Why does this matter? Because statistics show that 85% of consumers think that online reviews older than 3 months are no longer relevant! For this important reason, we have a system that will allow you to sign up to write a review over the course of the next several months. You’ll receive a prompt via email that it’s your turn, and in just a few minutes, you’ll be able to share your latest review. Interested? Click HERE to visit our Sign-Up Genius for PCA Reviews! Questions? Please contact Peggy Paulson at Thank you SO much!

School Events & Calendar

Shop with SCRIP and Save

SCRIP is a fund-raising tool for schools, but PCA is unique in that we apply any rebates you earn directly against your tuition account. It’s a great way to fundraise for your own tuition account! Simply sign up with SCRIP using our school enrollment code. Contact Laura Imlach for details: or 734-459-3505 x3156.  Bonus Fest is here, with 4 weekends in a row of 2-day bonuses. Earn up to 20% during Bonus Fest! Celebrate the rest of October with 2-day bonuses every Friday and Saturday. Whether you’re updating your home, shopping for fall clothes, or stocking up on holiday gifts, earn up to 20% on your shopping list. All card types are included.
Brands and bonuses change every weekend. Check on Friday so you don’t miss out.

Prayer Focus

This week we are worshipping Jesus for being a Servant.
“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:5-8
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:14-17
Prayer Requests:
  • Wisdom for PCA Administrators
  • Health and strength for Teachers and students
  • For students to know Jesus as Savior!
  • For safety and security at our school
Jennifer Hock & Sarah Batson, Moms in Prayer Coordinators

Calling all PCA and CBC Moms

Calling all PCA and Calvary Baptist moms! We would love for you to pray with us! We know the weather is cooling, so we are moving our prayer practice inside. Meet us at the most southeast door of the church building. (This door is opened from the inside only so we will meet you at the door.) We will have our bright pink signs helping you to locate the door. We will pray together on the 4th floor of the church building (masks and social distancing applies.) Join us each Monday at 8 am for focused prayer and petition over our school, students and staff. We would love to have you join us!


PCA’s Parking Lot Traffic and Safety Plan

This year, PCA’s Parking Lot Traffic and Safety Plan opened the west lot for K-4th grade drop off/pick up, allowing for a more efficient school entry/dismissal. PCA’s Administrative Team is outside each day to ensure that traffic patterns and pedestrian walkways are safe and operating efficiently. We are regularly reviewing the patterns of our parking lot and want to inform you of some updates for added safety.
General Parking Lot: All students must be accompanied by parents when walking on PCA’s parking lots. Pedestrians must use the school’s clearly marked crosswalks. Please avoid crossing traffic lanes.
West Parking Lot (adjacent to the flower shop): A PCA Administrator will help direct pedestrians to use crosswalks and vehicles to follow traffic flow.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: We encourage parents to use PCA’s carlines whenever feasible. If you plan to park your vehicle at drop off/pick up, students must be accompanied by parents when walking to and from vehicles at drop off/pick up and utilize the school’s clearly marked crosswalks. Kindergarten Parents: Thank you for parking “short-term” in the east & west parking lot and waiting in the designated parking spaces (identified with cones) by the Kindergarten classrooms. Please be sure to use the closest crosswalk and avoid crossing traffic lanes.
Designated Crosswalks: For the safety of everyone, we ask that you use the following crosswalks when walking on the school’s parking lot:
  • Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade: (2) Crosswalks located at the corners of the church building by the Kindergarten classrooms OR (2) Crosswalks located near the safety chain and the playscape.
  • 3rd-4th Grade: (2) Crosswalks located near the safety chain and the playscape.
  • 5th-6th Grade: Crosswalk located near the fire hydrant OR Crosswalks located near the safety chains
Thank you for your help in keeping our school safe.


College Admissions Representative Lunchtime Visits

Juniors and Seniors! You are invited to attend Zoom Meetings with College Reps during lunch. Bring your lunch to Room 14 and hear from college reps on the programs they offer and the application process. There is a limit to 15 students – so reserve your spot today! Find the Sign Up Genius Link in the Class of 2021 Guidance Google Classroom or the Class of 2022 Guidance Google Classroom.
Colleges Scheduled:
Mon., Oct. 19 – Calvin University
Mon. Oct. 26 – Cornerstone University

Testing Day

If you missed testing day for any reason this week, we will be working with you to make up these tests. Mrs. Zambeck will be sending an email confirmation for the PreACT date this coming week. Juniors taking the PSAT will take that test on January 26.


CONGRATULATIONS to the Varsity Boys Soccer Team on winning our 1st Boys Soccer MIAC Conference Championship in school history! Way to go, Eagles! Our boys continue their excellent season when they play in their MHSAA District tournament next week. Visit for updated game details as they become available.
Middle School and Elementary Girls Basketball begins on Monday, Oct. 19th. 5th and 6th grade practice time is 3:30 to 5:00 pm. 7th and 8th grade practice time is 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Please check your email for important information regarding required forms and policies. If you have questions, please contact Matt Windle at
Winter Sports are Rapidly Approaching
Parents of High School Students: Our winter sports season is fast approaching. If you have a high school student that is interested in participating in boys basketball, girls basketball, boys bowling, girls bowling, competitive cheer, or wrestling (co-op with Lutheran Westland), please encourage them to check their school email to complete and submit our sports interest form as we try to anticipate numbers of athletes for specific teams. Thank you!
Do you miss being at home games?
Volunteer opportunities at our games are available for you! Contact Matt Windle, AD, via email at for more information.
Please note that all athletes must wear a face covering for all sports practices and contests except for cross country and tennis. This includes all off-season training for baseball and softball as well. If you do not have a mask, you cannot participate. If you are involved in any of these sports and have questions, please contact your coach. Please note that spectators are limited to two per player for all games. All home games in the Butler Gymnasium will be live streamed at In addition, we hope to have all games on the varsity soccer field live streamed very soon.
Athletic Website & Schedule Alerts
Please follow our athletic website,, where you can view scores, schedules, articles and team/sport-specific updates. Enjoy keeping up on PCA sports! When you are on our PCA Eagles Home Page, be sure to sign up for VNN Alerts for your team. Click on ‘Sign Up For Alerts’ located just above the purple banner on the upper right side of our PCA Eagles home page or click on this link Remember to check your student’s online game schedule frequently as changes often occur during their season.
Physicals & Forms
If you have a student that is interested in participating in a PCA sport, he or she must have a current, MHSAA physical and our Sports Participation form on file in the Athletic Office BEFORE they can participate in tryouts, practices, or games. Forms are online at our school website HERE (scroll to the athletic tab), in the Secondary Office, and Athletic Office. A physical dated April 15, 2020 or after is considered a current physical and is good for the current school year until April 15, 2021. NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if your student had a current physical for the 2019-20 school year, (dated 04-15-2019 or after) the MHSAA is allowing that physical to be valid for this school year. If this applies to your student, you must complete the 2020-21 MHSAA Sports Health Questionnaire and turn it in to the Athletic Dept.
Athletic Team Practice/Game
If the practice or game is not taking place right after school (starting by 3:20pm), students must report to the Study Table room, or be meeting with their teacher, in order to remain on campus. Thank you for your help with this!
Games This Coming Week
Please note: All games are subject to change at any time
Saturday, October 17
  • MS Boys & Girls Cross Country – Larry Steeb Invitational at Whitmore Lake HS / Away / 10:00 am
Tuesday, October 20
  • Varsity Boys & Varsity Girls Cross Country – MIAC Championship at Oakland Christian / Away / 5:00 pm
  • FR, JV, & Varsity Girls Volleyball vs. Lutheran Northwest / Home / 4:30, 5:30, & 6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 21
  • Varsity Boys Soccer MHSAA District Semi-final – Details to be determined.
Thursday, October 22
  • Varsity Football at Mt. Clemens HS / Away / 7:00 pm
Friday, October 23
  • Varsity Football at Mt. Clemens HS / Away / 7:00 pm
Saturday, October 24
  • Varsity Boys Soccer MHSAA District Final – Details to be determined.
  • Varsity Girls Volleyball – Legends Spike Out Quad at Legacy Center Sports Complex, Brighton / Away / 8:30 am
  • Varsity Boys & Varsity Girls Cross Country – MHSAA Pre-Regional at Oakland Christian / Away / 9:30 amagles
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