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Eagle News January 25-29, 2021

By: Dan Hammar|Date: Feb 3, 2021|Tags: Eagle News

Dear PCA Family,
A Plymouth Christian Academy education is a well-balanced, quality education with the highest standards, but you can be sure that the standards are not just ours. PCA recognizes the value of working with an outside accrediting agency to meet rigorous educational and biblical benchmarks to ensure that we continue to create an environment of excellence for His glory! The Association of Christian Schools International is the highly reputable accrediting agency we partner with to evaluate our entire instructional program. Accreditation is a thorough process we engage in continuously, guaranteeing that we meet a specific set of standards through a rigorous self-study and evaluation by a team of our peers.
Accreditation is a rewarding process that involves the entire school community. ACSI evaluates the integrity of our academic and co-curricular programs, as well as the spiritual depth of our school. We have engaged in this process every five years and have consistently gained dual accreditation status from ACSI and Cognia (Formerly AdvancEd) since 1980. Although the self-study is rigorous, it demonstrates to our stakeholders and community that Plymouth Christian is a sound, viable educational institution. Throughout the next year, we will be working diligently to assess eight different standards that comb over every area of life at PCA. The accreditation journey involves teachers, staff, administrators, students, parents, our church and school boards and staff, grandparents, and alumni. At the end of the self-study, we carefully and realistically assess our school’s strengths and areas of improvement. The visiting team will be here on campus to partner with us on February 6-9, 2022.
We are looking forward to partnering with you as together, we review our growth and determine future goals so that we can continue to utilize best practices as we educate the next generation of learners, leaders, and servants for Christ.
Plymouth Christian Academy is accredited by the following organizations and a member of several professional organizations:
  • Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
  • AdvancED, NCA Accreditation
  • Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA)
  • Michigan School Vocal Music Association (MSVMA)
  • Michigan School Band & Orchestra Association
  • National Association of Secondary Principals (NASSP)
Thank you for your prayers as we continue to work together. Your support is deeply appreciated.
Educating for Eternity,
Mrs. Caryn Huntsman, Superintendent

People can see God here ❤

My husband has been able to drive our kids to school this week and I have stayed home. I woke up feeling like I was absolutely supposed to ride along yesterday morning. So, the five of us rode to school together. Our mornings can be sleepy and stressful at times, and during current times, like so many other families, our family has felt the stress and worry of all that the last year has brought and is still bringing.
I typically use our morning commute to listen to encouraging Christian music and pray over the boys, taking any specific requests…to center ourselves and prepare for the day. On this particular commute we heard Tasha Layton’s “It’s Gonna Be Ok”, not once, but twice. We thanked God for the new day, acknowledging that it was not by accident but God’s plan for us for this moment. We asked for God to help guide us to follow his plan for the day. We prayed for our country, leaders, teachers, staff, students and their families to be protected and to know you. We thanked God for PCA and the people who are doing the most important of work…introducing children (and families) to their Savior. We asked for His peace and comfort, knowing that even if things feel scary, hard, or too much to bear, He will be right there showing us the way and holding our hand throughout it all. We asked that nothing get in the way of Gods will being done…and everything to be for His glory ONLY.
And you can see in the pictures I included…it was as if God acknowledged and responded to, sweetly and with a beautiful presentation, to our prayer.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”. Thank you, all, for being such good and faithful servants. We thank God for PCA.
People can see God here ❤
Mr. and Mrs. Hess, PCA Parents


History of Excellence

We want to congratulate our PCA Maintenance Department on a job well done yet again for the Legacy of Excellence since 2006, with the Michigan State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division! This year, Plymouth Christian Academy has received a 100% Pass Rate for School Bus Safety Inspections for the 2019-2020 school year with the Michigan State Police upholding “A Proud tradition of SERVICE through EXCELLENCE, INTEGRITY, and COURTESY. We are so grateful for the hard work of the PCA Maintenance department and want to thank them for continually working to keep our students and staff safe and well cared for here at PCA!
Mr. George Huntsman
Mr. Gordon Grey
Mr. Bob Yerkes
Having taught in a public school for 28 years, being able to begin class with prayer is such a blessing! After all, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” At first it took some getting used to and students would have to remind me. I post my lesson plans on the promethean board in front of the room each hour, and I try to include the word prayer just to help myself remember.
I pray some days, the students pray some days, and often it is a combination of both. Either way, to hear the praises and needs of my students spoken to our heavenly Father has been an immeasurable blessing these past two years. The prayers they offer up for their siblings, parents and grandparents (and other loved ones) would melt their parents’ hearts.
Recently, I stumbled upon an incredible idea. I felt the urge to phone one of my students’ parents, and one of my students offered up the name and number of his father. I called twice, as the parent was wisely screening his calls. The father answered and offered an incredibly impassioned and zealous prayer on behalf of our students, their families, and our staff. He gave God all the glory for keeping PCA open. It was moving, to say the least. The next day the student returned and was excited to say how absolutely blessed his father was to have had that opportunity.
Well, I tried it out on a few other parents, and it has been received with overwhelming approbation. I have told the students that it is best to let mom and/or dad know that the phone call is coming, and this has mostly happened. 😊 Regardless, each and every parent that has been contacted has answered the call and called out to God on behalf of our students and PCA. Some were choking back Holy Spirit-filled tears through the phone as they gave praise to our heavenly Father for the wonderful opportunity to claim His goodness and to recognize His Sovereign power and place in our lives. As a parent of eight myself, it is easy to see how blessed your students are to hear their own parents coming boldly before the throne of God in front of their classmates. Hallelujah! Praise God at PCA that we are able to use prayer (through technology) in school to unite our families in the bonds of grace that are ours in Jesus!
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working”. James 5:16 ESV
Frank Dame, PCA Middle School Teacher

To the RIGHT, to the RIGHT!

Dear Families,
We are thrilled to have so many families (and cars) in our parking lot every day! Just a friendly reminder that you MUST turn RIGHT onto Joy Road if you are exiting on the east side (barn parking lot). Be sure to turn LEFT when exiting the west side (roadside florist). The posted signs serve as a great reminder and applies to both morning and afternoon.
Thank you so much for your help in this matter!
Mrs. Huntsman


Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Welcome to PCA’s newest Kindergarten teacher,
Mrs. Breanne Klemm!
We still have a few spots available for new students, so help us SPREAD THE WORD!
PCA has a new Kindergarten class! Kindergarten Round Up on January 14 was full of excitement as our newest students explored “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” The students were greeted by their teacher, Mrs. Breanne Klemm, who is not only a former Kindergarten assistant at PCA, but a PCA alumni!
Welcome to PCA’s newest Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Breanne Klemm. Mrs. Klemm is a PCA Class of 2011 alumni, and has also served as a Kindergarten Assistant and lunchroom supervisor at PCA. She and her husband have three children, two of whom are already PCA students. She is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University with a concentration in education and child development.  We are thrilled to have her at PCA!

Shop with SCRIP and Save

SCRIP is a fund-raising tool for schools, but PCA is unique in that we apply any rebates you earn directly against your tuition account. It’s a great way to fundraise for your own tuition account! Simply sign up with SCRIP using our school enrollment code. Contact Laura Imlach for details: or 734-459-3505 x3156.
Reveal a 1-day bonus every Wednesday in the month of January. Check out the SCRIPS RaiseRight™ mobile app to reveal your bonus savings. This week focuses on big earnings for the big game!

“What’s Your Word?”

Students in 6th grade were challenged to think about “their word” for the new year. They came up with two goals (like a New Year’s Resolution) for their word as well as three action steps. Katelyn Hock’s word for the year is trust. Way to go 6th grade!

Mrs. “Miss Marnise” Roberts

PCA Chapel Speaker, 20 years
Co-founder and managing partner of Roberts & Limbrick Enterprises, LLC, a Michigan-based, educational-services consulting company, established in 1999.
Check out one of our chapels with Miss Marnise at this link:

Being A Good Upstander

We have been spending time educating our elementary students on what it means to be a good “upstander” with a beloved chapel speaker, Mrs. Marnise Roberts. “Miss Marnise”, as lovingly referred to by our students, has spent the last 20 years training our young people on how to live out God’s purpose in their lives. She is a passionate and Godly speaker who continues to provide practical and biblical ways for students to step out, speak up and stand up for each other! The dictionary defines an upstander as “a person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.” In our chapels, Miss Marnise points out that although being a “bystander” may offer some support, being an “upstander” is something we all can and should do as His children.
Through the lens of Scripture, it is our goal to teach, reteach and reinforce what it means to be a young upstander for Christ. Upstanders don’t have to be someone with bold personalities or a lot of self-confidence. A good upstander can be someone who shows empathy for someone who is being targeted. A good upstander is someone who interrupts bullying behaviors or offers support to someone experiencing an injustice. Some upstanders can assertively tell a bullying student to stop their behavior simply by saying, “We don’t do that here.” Other upstanders can report the incident to a trusted adult or teacher or listen without judgement, offering positive encouragement. Miss Marnise encourages all students to learn to be upstanders by developing biblical skills that can be applied in all kinds of situations. Miss Marnise’s chapel videos will be available next week as a support to the families of PCA.

Recess and Weather for our Elementary Students

When the “real feel temperature” is 15 degrees and above, all students will go outside for recess.
If the “real feel temperature” feels like 10-14 degrees K-2nd grades will stay indoors and 3rd-6th grades will stay in for fifteen minutes and finish the final fifteen minutes of recess outdoors.
When the “actual temperature” is 10 degrees and below, all students will stay inside for recess.
The official wind chill temperature will be determined by the website.

Health & Safety

Daily Health Screening
When determining when to keep your sick child at home and when to return, please refer to the Wayne County screening tool at the right. Click HERE to download this document that you should refer to daily.
Coffee cup and coffee beans on table

Join us for a virtual Coffee and Conversation

with Elementary Principal, Ryan Batson via Zoom. We have missed our PCA families and want to connect with you.

Please join us for a virtual time of prayer and connection.
6th Grade – 1/26
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 6th grade
Time: Jan 26, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 774 1953 9096
Passcode: 1qzyZT
5th Grade – 1/27
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 5th grade
Time: Jan 27, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 723 4105 0198
Passcode: KS7w59
4th Grade – 1/29
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 4th grade
Time: Jan 29, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 772 3309 1537
Passcode: MMX6w1

Social Work Support At PCA

Social Work support at PCA has been expanded this year due to the growing need of this type of intervention with our students.
This pandemic has brought much uncertainty and anxiety to our world and consequently to our school. Our student’s spiritual, emotional, mental, social and physical well-being is of utmost importance to us here at PCA. We have two Masters level Social Workers on staff. Sheree Askew has been working at PCA for over five years. Her help and support with our students and staff has been invaluable. She continues to provide education to our staff, supportive counseling to our students and available to assist families as needed. Missy McCreedy has been brought on this year to work with Sheree in the Social Work Department and has had the opportunity to work in several of the elementary classrooms providing educational and supportive presentations on how to handle our worries. The students were given practical ideas on how to handle worries that overwhelm them and some tangible activities to support them.
Calm Box: Have your child get a box and give them the supplies to decorate it. This will help the child take ownership of and show individuality in his/her box. Then have your child collect things that fit in the box that provide him/her with comfort. See the picture below. When your child is feeling worry or anxiety, he/she can sit and explore the comforting things in this box. One child that was seen, felt worry on the way to school so she had her box on her lap during the drive to school and played with the things she collected in her box. This seemed to relieve her worry and redirect her for an easier transition into the school day.
Worry-time: Children will often let worry about certain things take over their day. We encourage the child to schedule designated “Worry Time” with their parents. This allotted time would only take approximately ten minutes in the evening. It would serve as time for the child and parent to identify the worries that he/she felt during the day. If the child brings up the worry outside of Worry Time, the adults around the child would encourage him/her to save those concerns for Worry Time in the evening. This would allow the child to not focus on that worry during the day and give permission to have fun and enjoy the day to its fullest.
Breathing Techniques: Learning how to take deep breaths and taking time will serve as a valuable coping skill for children who feel overwhelmed or worry. Breathing in and out on the count of three is a technique that is easy to remember and at their disposal.
As a school, we are thankful to have Social Workers on staff who are available to care for our precious students. We are blessed that God continues to provide.


assorted donuts with chocolate frosted_ pink glazed and sprinkles donuts.
Donuts and Bagels and Juniors, Oh My!
The Junior class started selling donuts again! They will normally only sell bagels on Monday and Wednesday and donuts on Fridays. Any leftovers will be sold on Tuesday and Thursday.

Calling all NEW STUDENTS!

​On Monday 1/25, the yearbook will pull you from lunch to take your picture for the yearbook.
Say cheese!
Middle School, 7th and 8th Grade
Topic: Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Huntsman for Middle School
Time: Jan 26, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 719 8716 0904
Passcode: 6GqAa7
9th and 10th Grade
Topic: Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Huntsman for 9th and 10th grade Parents
Time: Jan 22, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 781 5085 6877
Passcode: fBXy4u
11th and 12th Grade
Topic: Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Huntsman for the 11th and 12 th grade parents
Time: Jan 29, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 718 4397 9827
Passcode: KHZe7D
Junior Class
The Junior Class will enjoy a sweats (athletic wear) week next week, January 25-29, courtesy of the Yakuber family who purchased this awesome auction item last year. In addition, the Junior Class will get a Jet’s Pizza lunch including individual chips, cookie and pop next Friday. Thank you, Len and Stacey Yakuberr!
Homecoming and Spirit Week are extremely valuable events at PCA and crucial for building relationships and community. Because they are so important, it is our goal to not have to cancel them, but due to the current restrictions, they will not be able to take place in February. It is our goal to create a similar experience in the spring when we will hopefully be able to do more together.
Trips are focal points for each year at PCA. Trips are used to further the learning process, provide outlets for our students and staff to serve our community, offer opportunities for lasting memories, and for so much more. Unfortunately, many of our trips have had to be cancelled or postponed this year. Administration will continue to monitor the viability of each trip as we strive to determine how to serve the community. The Senior trip for this year is still being decided upon, but the administration has come to the conclusion that the Washington D.C. trip (for the class of 2022 and 2023) will not be able to take place this year.


The Admissions Department welcomed 30 NEW STUDENTS last week! We are so blessed to partner with these new families to provide high quality academic instruction with a biblical worldview.
Careful research has been done to make sure we are meeting all the safety protocols and staying within enrollment boundaries, which means we are FULL in 4-year preschool, Begindergarten, 2nd, 6th, and 10th grades. Our third section of kindergarten has now opened with a few remaining openings. We are preparing for the 2021-22 school year and looking to EXPAND some elementary grades into three sections to accommodate families longing for a Bible-based education, as well as adding more options for middle and high school grades. We are looking forward to the day when we can have an open campus and fellowship together so you can greet these new families! In the meantime, keep those referrals coming and have your friends apply soon for next year! We are already receiving applications weekly (sometimes daily) so spots will fill up quickly!
Continuous Enrollment News
With enrollment on the rise at Plymouth Christian Academy, we are either at or near waitlists in many of our grades. Placement in next year’s class is an increasingly sought-after spot. Throughout PCA’s history, more than 85% of students annually enroll for the following year. We love our students and are proud to see such strong retention year after year.
Our desire is to make our re-enrollment process even simpler for PCA families and that’s why we are launching “Continuous Enrollment.” We’ve thrown out the February re-enrollment process altogether, including the $100 deposit that was required to hold your spot! This simple Continuous Enrollment process is known as the “Once An Eagle, Always An Eagle” model. With continuous enrollment you will guarantee your child’s classroom seat from now until they walk across the graduation stage.
Beginning November 20, 2020, our “Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle” model begins, which means your family will remain at Plymouth Christian unless you notify us otherwise. Our families will never have to think about re-enrollment at PCA again! Instead, we can all have confidence that our Eagles will always be Eagles!
Q: How does Continuous Enrollment work?
A: You will be part of the PCA community unless you tell us otherwise, and your child’s spot in their class will be secure until graduation.
Q: What if things change for our family?
A: You will have until April 30th to fill out the Intent to Withdraw form, simply notifying the school and face absolutely no penalty.
Q: Are there any deadlines to be aware of?
A: Families will be responsible for 10% of tuition after the April 30th deadline. For major life changes/unique circumstances resulting in withdrawal after the deadline, Superintendent and Regent Board approval is required to waive the 10% tuition fee.
We work hard to plan and prepare for students to return each year and we want to invest these tuition dollars wisely so we can provide the quality Christ-centered education you have come to know and love at PCA. We know you’ll appreciate the simple process Continuous Enrollment provides.
For questions about Continuous Enrollment, please connect with Leanne Windle ( or 734-459-3505 x3190)
Mrs. Leanne Windle, Admissions Director


Calling All High School Boys!
We need you! Our Varsity Boys Bowling team needs a few more members. If you are Interested In joining the team, please see Matt Windle, AD for more information as soon as possible. Our Home bowling alley is Superbowl, 45100 Ford Road in Canton and our first home bowling match is scheduled for Monday, January, 25. You must have your physical, MHSSA Health Questionnaire, and Sports Participation forms turned in to the Athletic Office in order to participate.
With the MDHHS and Governor Whitmer’s latest orders, we wanted to provide clarity to families about what it means for PCA Athletic teams. We have also provided information on our current athletic fundraiser. Even if you do not have a winter athlete, we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to read the full e-mail.
  • PCA Athletic teams will be able to practice at their scheduled times.
  • Below you will see part of next week’s schedule for all teams.
  • Athletes and coaches must wear masks at all times and we ask that athletes bring their own water bottles. “Water breaks” and short “mask breaks” can only be taken when they are over 6 feet away from all other participants.
  • Parents will not be allowed in the building for any practice pickups or drop-offs. The coach will wait inside the triple door entrance with your student for pick up and drop off.
  • Practices will be socially distanced at all times. Coaches have been informed of the requirements to comply with the current MDHHS orders.
  • All games/contests, except for Varsity Bowling, have been canceled for the month of January. We anticipate further information in the coming days on any possible season extension. Fan information has not been decided for contests at this time.
Further updates will be given to you by your student’s coach and additional questions should be directed to coaches first. The coaches will communicate practice schedules for the remainder of the week.
Important Fundraiser Information (For All Middle School and High School Athletes)
The Athletic Booster Board has been working extremely hard to provide all of our athletes with the best equipment, coolest uniforms, and top notch-facilities, which help create the best athletic experience for your child while at PCA. Additionally, the booster board has supported the athletic department with revenue shortfalls during Covid-19. Their outstanding support can only happen with help from you and fundraisers like this! Athletes were given fundraiser cards before Christmas Break. There was an expectation for athletes to sell at least ten cards by January 6th. The deadline has now been extended! There are many incentives for selling cards and app subscriptions.  Please contact Matt Windle for any questions.
Reminder! Executive Order 2020-180 specifies that athletes must wear a face covering for all sports practices and contests except for cross country and tennis. This includes all off-season training for baseball and softball as well. If you do not have a mask, you cannot participate. If you are involved in any of our sports and have questions, please contact your coach. Please note that spectators are still limited to two per player for all games at this time. All home games in the Butler Gymnasium will be live-streamed at
Athletic Website & Schedule Alerts
Please follow our athletic website,, where you can view scores, schedules, articles and team/sport-specific updates. Enjoy keeping up on PCA sports! When you are on our PCA Eagles Home Page, be sure to sign up for VNN Alerts for your team. Click on ‘Sign Up For Alerts’ located just above the purple banner on the upper right side of our PCA Eagles home page or click on this link Remember to check your student’s online game schedule frequently as changes often occur during their season.
Physicals & Forms
If you have a student that is interested in participating in a PCA sport, he or she must have a current, MHSAA physical and our Sports Participation form on file in the Athletic Office BEFORE they can participate in tryouts, practices, or games. Forms are online at our school website HERE (scroll to the athletic tab), in the Secondary Office, and Athletic Office. A physical dated April 15, 2020 or after is considered a current physical and is good for the current school year until April 15, 2021. NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if your student had a current physical for the 2019-20 school year, (dated 04-15-2019 or after) the MHSAA is allowing that physical to be valid for this school year. If this applies to your student, you must complete the 2020-21 MHSAA Sports Health Questionnaire and turn it into the Athletic Dept.
Athletic Team Practice/Game
If the practice or game is not taking place right after school (starting by 3:20pm), students must report to the Study Table room, or be meeting with their teacher, in order to remain on campus. Thank you for your help with this.



Thank you so much to those of you who have responded with donations to the PCA Fine Arts Patron Program. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide quality fine arts programs to students at Plymouth Christian. It is not too late to donate! Please see the booster page on the PCA website for a donation form.
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Dan Hammar

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