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Eagle News… February 1 – 5, 2021

By: Dan Hammar|Date: Feb 3, 2021|Tags: Eagle News

Dear PCA Family,
As your Superintendent for the past six years, I am thankful for the gifts God has blessed us with at Plymouth Christian Academy; the gift of precious students, engaged and involved parents, Christ-like teachers, and generous community partners. All these good gifts are His, and He has graciously allowed me to be a part of them while on this earth.
I gave my heart to Christ at an early age and count it a high privilege to be able to integrate my relationship with the Lord into my role as your Superintendent. Christian Education for me is so much more than a profession – it is my mission in life and gives me a passion for a bright future in this place. I feel called to serve the Lord at
Plymouth Christian Academy so that every young person in our community will know and love the stories of our amazing God.
It is an honor, as a Christian school leader, to ensure that our students are well prepared and well equipped to go out from these halls with a lifelong passion to serve Jesus and impact the world for Him. We do not take our mission lightly. My desire is to continue creating an atmosphere at PCA in which students can grow and learn, and teachers can teach in such a manner that Christ is clearly at the center of their lives and their instruction. Excellence is an expected outcome in everyday school life and in every area of the school day. I pray daily for our young people, that they will feel safe, cared for, and loved during their years at Plymouth Christian Academy.
Educating for Eternity,
Mrs. Caryn Huntsman, Superintendent


Homeschool Partnership at PCA Expanded

Our Homeschool Partnership program at PCA began back in 2010 and since has developed by leaps and bounds.
God has affirmed our vision and blessed our program.
This year, we have 31 elementary home school students on campus one to two days a week. It is a day that these students come on campus for a day of specials classes such as art, vocal music, STEM, Library, world language, chapel, and computers. This fun-filled day is not only a day of classes but a day of building community for these students and families. We have been blessed this year with a new Kindergarten-2nd grade Home School Partnership coordinator. Her name is Alex Bowman. She, her husband, Jonathan, and three daughters recently moved to Michigan from Salado, Texas where her husband retired from the United States Army. She and her family have been able to travel and live all over the world as a military family. They have lived in Kansas, New York, South Korea, and, of course, Texas where she graduated from Texas A&M University. Alex is also a former PCA student! She attended pre-kindergarten and kindergarten at our beloved school. She and her husband now feel very blessed to have their three daughters (6th, 5th and 3rd grades) attend here as well. Alex is no stranger to working in a Christian school. While in Texas, she worked at Central Texas Christian school sharing her servant’s heart with many. Alex is a gift to our Home School Partnership, and we are so thankful that God led she and her beautiful family to our school. Praise be to God!

Songs for the New World

PCA Theatre is proud to present Jason Robert Brown’s inspirational musical Songs for a New World. In a world where we often feel hopeless, drained, and alone, Brown’s musical reminds us that even in the hopelessness we are children of God and “this world will be fine.”
Please join us in watching this important message for today’s world.

Health & Safety

Daily Health Screening
When determining when to keep your sick child at home and when to return, please refer to the Wayne County screening tool at the right. Click HERE to download this document that you should refer to daily.

Thank you for going above and beyond!

Thank you, Joe LaVigne, for delivering awesome Jet’s pizza to our kids every week – rain or shine!


Shop with SCRIP and Save

SCRIP is a fund-raising tool for schools, but PCA is unique in that we apply any rebates you earn directly against your tuition account. It’s a great way to fundraise for your own tuition account! Simply sign up with SCRIP using our school enrollment code. Contact Laura Imlach for details: or 734-459-3505 x3156.
Every quarter, many families earn hundreds of dollars toward reducing their tuition using these
simple tips:
1. Make it a habit Just like flossing your teeth, shopping with gift cards is something you can make part of your routine. Buy a new eGift card every time you grab lunch from your favorite spot. And add money to your gas gift card every time you fill up your tank. Soon, you’ll always remember to use gift cards—without even thinking about it.
2. Use gift cards for budget planning Gift cards are a great way to stick to your monthly budget—or help your kids stick to a budget. Buy gift cards for a set amount to pay for travel, food from restaurants, clothing, home improvements, and more. When gift cards run out of money, you’ve reached your monthly budget. Check or track your eGift card and reloadable card balance with your Wallet in the RaiseRight mobile app.
3. Invite friends and extended family to join Ask others to sign up the same way you did, including listing your child under the “student name” section of the profile. That way, any rebates they earn will be applied to your student’s tuition!


Mrs. Miller’s Daily 5 “Read To Someone”

ACSI Math Olympics Competition, Grades 3 – 8

The ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) Math Olympics event is here again! This event provides every student, in grades 3-8, the opportunity to showcase their math skills with both accuracy and speed. Our students can glorify God through their abilities beyond the classroom in this fun math event. At this event, students’ math abilities are stimulated and their achievements are recognized.
Over the next few weeks, Math Olympics Warm-Up Tests will be given as practice competitions to help students familiarize themselves with these timed tests. All students are required to participate and are encouraged to do their very best! The top three students (per grade level; 3rd-8th) scoring the highest in the area of computation, and the top three students scoring the highest in the reasoning category, will advance onto the National ACSI Testing Day, Wednesday, March 10th. The Math Olympics event takes place right here at Plymouth Christian.
The Final Math Olympics event, for qualifying students, is a series of timed tests that are given in a series of rounds. Each student competes against other schools in our district in his or her grade and category. The areas of competition include arithmetic computation and mathematical reasoning. Students in Grades 3–8 from ACSI member schools may participate. The two categories are:
  • Arithmetic Computation: Paper/pencil computational problems such as fundamental operations.
  • Mathematical Reasoning: Paper/pencil problems that are more difficult than the daily mathematical assignments of the student’s grade level, such as story problems, patterns, and puzzles. Problems involve more than one operation and/or concept and may require a high level of reasoning.
Adjudication & Awards
Rosette ribbons are awarded to the top five places in each grade level and category. The 1st place student in each grade level and category with a score of 85% or higher is awarded an Olympic-style medallion.

We’ve got spirit, YES WE DO! We’ve got spirit HOW ‘BOUT YOU?!!!

Elementary Spirit Wear Fridays
begin TODAY!

Recess and Weather for our Elementary Students

When the “real feel temperature” is 15 degrees and above, all students will go outside for recess.
If the “real feel temperature” feels like 10-14 degrees K-2nd grades will stay indoors and 3rd-6th grades will stay in for fifteen minutes and finish the final fifteen minutes of recess outdoors.
When the “actual temperature” is 10 degrees and below, all students will stay inside for recess.
The official wind chill temperature will be determined by the website.
Join us for a virtual Coffee and Conversation with Elementary Principal, Ryan Batson via Zoom. We have missed our PCA families and want to connect with you. Please join us for a virtual time of prayer and connection.
3rd Grade – 2/2
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 3rd grade
Time: Feb 2, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 722 9124 6091
Passcode: 3tK8ZD
2nd Grade – 2/3
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 2nd grade
Time: Feb 3, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 791 2193 9982
Passcode: dinFq1
Kindergarten – 2/5*
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation Kindergarten
Time: Feb 5, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 768 0295 9393
Passcode: CG0PXN
1st Grade – 2/4
Topic: Virtual Coffee & Conversation 1st grade
Time: Feb 4, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 728 5685 8615
Passcode: cF7Mru

Psalm 139:14 “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that full well.”

This week, our 5th grade students learned about the systems of the body and how they are constantly working together. Mrs. Manning’s class was busy in the STEM lab creating models of the skeletal system. They are learning that God has created them each uniquely and for a specific purpose. Our incredible STEM lab teacher, Mrs. Parrot, is weaving God’s truths into every conversation of the inner workings of God’s most amazing creation–His people!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Beautiful artwork by Mrs. Paul’s 3rd grade students.
Please allow me to highlight a few needs and provide a friendly reminder for our amazing elementary art students:
-All students need a paint shirt. We want to protect their wonderful school clothing.
-Needed: Large-sized cereal boxes, any colorful yarns you might not be using, and/or heart shaped stickers.
These items will go a long for our art class!
Thank you so much! Mrs. Kincer


Welcome to all of our NEW 7-12th grade students!

Natalie Pearson (10th Grade), Cooper Weaver (8th Grade), Daniel Rybkin (7th Grade), Grant Eldredge (8th Grade), Kate Eldredge (10th Grade), Mickey Callison (8th Grade), Jenna Beggs (10th Grade), Olivia Mahan (7th grade), Lexi Williams(10th grade) and Emilio Guzman (11th grade).
We’re glad you’re here!

Spiritual Formation

We are halfway through our four-part study on prayer. In the video, students were challenged to take two minutes to meditate on 1 Peter 5:7. It was an awesome opportunity to silence ourselves and rest in God’s care for us as we strive to realign ourselves with His will. Next week, our third topic is titled “Stomach and Soul,” which helps us to seek after God as our Provider of EVERYTHING while realizing that
God ≠ google. He knows exactly what we need. Please continue to pray as our students grow in their Spiritual Life Groups.

Generation of Technology

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Make coffee? Get the milk out of the box? Hop in the shower? Hit the snooze button?
Those are all good answers. But for teens, the first thing that 72% say they often or sometimes do is to check for messages or notifications on their smartphones. That one stat from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & Technology division offers a sobering snapshot of our world today: Tech is everywhere. It’s omnipresent. It’s the first thing many teens (and, in all likelihood a similarly large percentage of adults) check when they get up in the morning.
As Christian parents, how are we to respond to the pace of technological change? How do we help guide our children’s choices and habits in this realm, both practically and from a spiritual point of view? Tune in next week for more!
assorted donuts with chocolate frosted_ pink glazed and sprinkles donuts.

Donuts and Bagels and Juniors, Oh My!

The Junior class started selling donuts again! They will normally only sell bagels on Monday and Wednesday and donuts on Fridays. Any leftovers will be sold on Tuesday and Thursday.
Homecoming and Spirit Week are extremely valuable events at PCA and crucial for building relationships and community. Because they are so important, it is our goal to not have to cancel them, but due to the current restrictions, they will not be able to take place in February. It is our goal to create a similar experience in the spring when we will hopefully be able to do more together.
Trips are focal points for each year at PCA. Trips are used to further the learning process, provide outlets for our students and staff to serve our community, offer opportunities for lasting memories, and for so much more. Unfortunately, many of our trips have had to be cancelled or postponed this year. Administration will continue to monitor the viability of each trip as we strive to determine how to serve the community. The Senior trip for this year is still being decided upon, but the administration has come to the conclusion that the Washington D.C. trip (for the class of 2022 and 2023) will not be able to take place this year.


The Admissions Department welcomed
30 NEW STUDENTS last week!
We are so blessed to partner with these new families to provide high quality academic instruction with a biblical worldview.
Careful research has been done to make sure we are meeting all the safety protocols and staying within enrollment boundaries, which means we are FULL in 4-year preschool, Begindergarten, 2nd, 6th, and 10th grades. Our third section of kindergarten has now opened with a few remaining openings. We are preparing for the 2021-22 school year and looking to EXPAND some elementary grades into three sections to accommodate families longing for a Bible-based education, as well as adding more options for middle and high school grades. We are looking forward to the day when we can have an open campus and fellowship together so you can greet these new families! In the meantime, keep those referrals coming and have your friends apply soon for next year! We are already receiving applications weekly (sometimes daily) so spots will fill up quickly!
Continuous Enrollment News
With enrollment on the rise at Plymouth Christian Academy, we are either at or near waitlists in many of our grades. Placement in next year’s class is an increasingly sought-after spot. Throughout PCA’s history, more than 85% of students annually enroll for the following year. We love our students and are proud to see such strong retention year after year.
Our desire is to make our re-enrollment process even simpler for PCA families and that’s why we are launching “Continuous Enrollment.” We’ve thrown out the February re-enrollment process altogether, including the $100 deposit that was required to hold your spot! This simple Continuous Enrollment process is known as the “Once An Eagle, Always An Eagle” model. With continuous enrollment you will guarantee your child’s classroom seat from now until they walk across the graduation stage.
Beginning November 20, 2020, our “Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle” model begins, which means your family will remain at Plymouth Christian unless you notify us otherwise. Our families will never have to think about re-enrollment at PCA again! Instead, we can all have confidence that our Eagles will always be Eagles!
Q: How does Continuous Enrollment work?
A: You will be part of the PCA community unless you tell us otherwise, and your child’s spot in their class will be secure until graduation.
Q: What if things change for our family?
A: You will have until April 30th to fill out the Intent to Withdraw form, simply notifying the school and face absolutely no penalty.
Q: Are there any deadlines to be aware of?
A: Families will be responsible for 10% of tuition after the April 30th deadline. For major life changes/unique circumstances resulting in withdrawal after the deadline, Superintendent and Regent Board approval is required to waive the 10% tuition fee.
We work hard to plan and prepare for students to return each year and we want to invest these tuition dollars wisely so we can provide the quality Christ-centered education you have come to know and love at PCA. We know you’ll appreciate the simple process Continuous Enrollment provides.
For questions about Continuous Enrollment, please connect with Leanne Windle ( or 734-459-3505 x3190)
Mrs. Leanne Windle, Admissions Director


From our Athletic Booster Board:
Please check with your student-athlete to be sure they have turned in any unsold cards or money from selling the ADRENALINE FUND-RAISER CARDS OR THE APP. Please turn in the cards and/or money to Mrs. Dotson or Mrs. Chapel at the Secondary Reception Desk as soon as possible. Thank you!
With the MDHHS and Governor Whitmer’s most recent orders, following are the current guidelines for PCA sports:
  • PCA Athletic teams are practicing at scheduled dates and times that are being communicated to the teams by their coaches. Any questions should be directed to coaches.
  • Athletes and coaches must wear masks at all times. We ask that athletes bring their own water bottles. “Water breaks” and short “mask breaks” can only be taken when they are over 6 feet away from all other participants.
  • Parents are still not allowed in the building for any practice drop-offs or pickups. The coach will wait inside the triple door entrance with your child for pick up and drop off.
  • Practices will need to be socially distanced at all times. Coaches have been informed of the requirements to comply with the current MDHHS orders.
  • All games/contests except for Varsity Boys Bowling have been canceled through February 21st. We anticipate further information in the coming days on any possible season extension. No fan information has been decided for contests at this time.
Games This Week: Note: All games are subject to change at any time.
Monday, Feb. 1st
Varsity Boys Bowling vs. Clarenceville HS – Super Bowl, 45100 Ford Rd, Canton / Home / 3:00 pm
Thursday, Feb. 4th
Varsity Boys Bowling at Whitmore Lake – Whitmore Lanes, 9455 Main St, Whitmore Lake / Away / 3:30 pm
Friday, Feb. 5th
Varsity Boys Bowling at Detroit Country Day – Country Lanes, 30250 W. Nine Mile, Farmington Hills /
Away / 3:30 pm
Executive Order 2020-180 specifies that athletes must wear a face covering for all sports practices and contests except for cross country and tennis. This includes all off-season training for baseball and softball as well. If you do not have a mask, you cannot participate. If you are involved in any of our sports and have questions, please contact your coach. Please note that spectators are still limited to two per player for all games at this time. All home games in the Butler Gymnasium will be live-streamed at
Athletic Website & Schedule Alerts
Please follow our athletic website,, where you can view scores, schedules, articles and team/sport-specific updates. Enjoy keeping up on PCA sports! When you are on our PCA Eagles Home Page, be sure to sign up for VNN Alerts for your team. Click on ‘Sign Up For Alerts’ located just above the purple banner on the upper right side of our PCA Eagles home page or click on this link Remember to check your student’s online game schedule frequently as changes often occur during their season.
Physicals & Forms
If you have a student that is interested in participating in a PCA sport, he or she must have a current, MHSAA physical and our Sports Participation form on file in the Athletic Office BEFORE they can participate in tryouts, practices, or games. Forms are online at our school website HERE (scroll to the athletic tab), in the Secondary Office, and Athletic Office. A physical dated April 15, 2020 or after is considered a current physical and is good for the current school year until April 15, 2021. NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if your student had a current physical for the 2019-20 school year, (dated 04-15-2019 or after) the MHSAA is allowing that physical to be valid for this school year. If this applies to your student, you must complete the 2020-21 MHSAA Sports Health Questionnaire and turn it into the Athletic Dept.
Athletic Team Practice/Game
If the practice or game is not taking place right after school (starting by 3:20pm), students must report to the Study Table room, or be meeting with their teacher, in order to remain on campus. Thank you for your help with this.



Thank you so much to those of you who have responded with donations to the PCA Fine Arts Patron Program. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide quality fine arts programs to students at Plymouth Christian. It is not too late to donate! Please see the booster page on the PCA website for a donation form.
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Dan Hammar

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