By: Plymouth Christian Academy|Date: Jan 27, 2021|Tags: Eagle News
Dear PCA Family,
The blessings have been abundant on PCA’s campus since the school year began on August 24th! Despite the challenges our nation has faced, our students are actively learning and thriving. Whether it be online through our Eagles at Home platform, or safely in the classrooms with our incredible teaching staff, God is moving in the lives of our students!
As we approach Christmas Day, we often hear the phrase, “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season”. There is a passage in Hebrews chapter 10 that does a beautiful job of laying out the pillars of the Christian faith and what I believe denotes the ‘reason for the season’, as we say. There is great cause for celebration as we consider the greatest gift ever given – the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He was sent as the Savior of the world, rescuing us from the debt owed because of our sin and rebellion against our Creator. Through Him, we who are guilty can now stand righteous and wholly forgiven before our Maker, reconciled to Him for eternity. Hebrews 10:19-23 says, “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (ESV) This is the good news of the gospel and gives us every reason to celebrate the season – the birth of the Christ Child!
Let’s continue to enjoy, celebrate, and worship all that He is as we reflect on this Christmas season and as we step forward into a brand new year. We know that our God continues to sustain us. I want to personally
thank you for your faithful support in our year-end giving campaign, The Giving Wall. The response has been overwhelming and we are so grateful! Your gifts reach far beyond the academic and intellectual needs of our students. You are providing for their spiritual and emotional development, their social growth, and providing opportunities for them to serve the Lord, others, and use their talents to excel in fine arts, athletics, and more! Thank you for investing in the lives of PCA students, even in these times of constant change. Please visit our Giving Wall to learn more (
Have a very merry and blessed CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year!
Educating for Eternity,
Mrs. Caryn Huntsman, Superintendent
5009 Food Items!
Students Giving Back This Christmas in PCA’s Food Fight 2020!
THANK YOU all for helping put food on the table for families in our area!
PCA students brought in 5009 cans of food and items this year! They were excited to join in the “Food Fight” and make a difference. Food insecurity continues to be an issue in our area and the pandemic only made the situation worse for many families. We are thankful for your generosity and for our own Mr. Frank Dame who volunteered to drive his van down with all of the supplies to the Detroit Rescue Mission. Blessings to you, Mr. Dame! Thank you to our awesome Middle Schoolers who packed up all the items and to Mrs. McCreedy for helping to organize the project. A HUGE shout out Andrea Shook, PCA PTF and mom of Aiden Shook, for organizing, counting and hauling thousands of food items for this outreach.
Exposure to the needs of people around us serves as a platform for us to teach our students to see others through God’s eyes and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Please pray for our students as they develop a heart for outreach and become educated about the people and organizations we serve throughout the year.
Oh What Fun!
This month’s holiday festivities were fun, festive and flat out competitive! Hearing the Christmas music, seeing the twinkling lights, getting a photo op with a dancing Santa or Buddy the Elf, watching as our own Christmas elf protected our campus (aka Mrs. Erwin-PCA’s Security Officer) and wait, was that… The Grinch?!! All of this and so much more put us in the holiday spirit when we arrived at PCA each morning. However, we look to Jesus, born as a baby almost 2000 years ago to understand the real celebration and meaning of Christmas. For real peace, real happiness, and real joy, we look beyond the tinsel and lights, beyond the gift-giving and door competitions to capture what really matters. We don’t have to look any further than a lowly manger to see the greatest love story ever told! Because of Bethlehem, we have a Savior! Our flagpole door friends ended the week with a picture of the nativity to center our hearts on the birth of Christ – God with us!
We concluded our door competition today, but for those who know Christ as Savior, Christmas is every day, all year long. He is always with us. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” Colossians 1:15-20
Merry Christmas – and til next year’s door competition…
Shop with SCRIP and Save
SCRIP is a fund-raising tool for schools, but PCA is unique in that we apply any rebates you earn directly against your tuition account. It’s a great way to fundraise for your own tuition account! Simply sign up with SCRIP using our school enrollment code. Contact Laura Imlach for details: or 734-459-3505 x3156.
The last day before Christmas to purchase PHYSICAL gift cards was Monday, December 14th. However, you can purchase eGiftcards up until December 25th! eGift cards are immediately sent to your account and you can access them right on your phone with the RaiseRight™ mobile app—perfect for last-minute gifting. Plus, you can schedule eGift cards to arrive in a loved one’s email inbox when you check out on It’s the gift that keeps on giving because it gives back to your tuition account, too.
Right now, Bath and Body Works is offering a 17% rebate on eGiftcards only, through Dec. 25th!
Calling all PCA and CBC Moms
Dear PCA Moms in Prayer,
In light of the governor’s announcement limiting gatherings, PCA Moms in Prayer will take a break from meeting in person. We will email prayer updates to our group each Monday until we can resume our in-person meetings. If you would like to be added to our email list, please contact Jen Hock at or Sarah Batson at Please join us in praying for our PCA family in this challenging time.
Blessings,Jennifer Hock & Sarah Batson, Moms in Prayer Coordinators
The Giving Wall
We want to thank our school family, faithful donors and ministry partners as you have walked faithfully alongside Plymouth Christian Academy in 2020! Our mission to educate and equip students for life is never static. It is more alive than ever as we continue to serve and connect with you and trust Him for our envisioned future.
Your gifts are important and we believe God is inviting us to take the next step forward to shape the next generation of leaders for His glory in new and innovative ways. Ours is a mission worth celebrating, but one that we cannot accomplish alone.
Will you join us in making a difference as we focus on the next generation of leaders by investing in Plymouth Christian students? We encourage you to invest in our young people and take an envelope off the Giving Wall and continue accomplishing great things.
When determining when to keep your sick child at home and when to return, please refer to the Wayne County screening tool at the right. Click HERE to download this document that you should refer to daily.
Security Car Stickers
At Plymouth Christian, we are committed to school safety and continue to address ongoing and emerging security practices for the safety of our campus. As an added layer of protection, each family will be receiving three security vehicle I.D. stickers. Stickers should be placed on the driver’s side, lower left window (outside). These stickers are vinyl, approximately 1/1/2 inches in diameter and can be safely removed at the end of each school year. Extra car stickers should be given to designated family or friends for student pick up. New stickers will be re-issued at the start of each new school year. Since our high school has been online for the past several weeks we’ve decided to distribute the car stickers when we return in January. Happy New Year!
The 12 projects of Christmas with Mrs. Tina Kincer, Elementary Art
We are blessed to have Mrs. Tina Kincer at Plymouth Christian as one of our amazing Fine Arts teachers. She offers a unique elementary arts program from Begindergarten (Early 5’s) through 6th grade. The mission of the FineArts Program at Plymouth Christian Academy is to discover and develop the God-given talent of young artists, reclaiming the arts as an expression of God’s love among the varied cultures of the world. Enjoy some of the students’ 12 Projects of Christmas.
Merry Christmas from PCA Elementary Fine Arts!
We hope that you enjoy the Elementary Christmas Concert and want to thank all who were involved. Please remember, you may share the link with your family. Please do not put any portion of this program on the internet, as our copyright agreement doesn’t allow for that. Thanks so much for helping us stay true to our word. We hope you have a blessed Christmas.
Enjoy this video of your students share their grateful hearts with you. A huge shout out to Mr. Frank Dame, Mr. Dan Hammar and our amazing middle school students for putting this together.
On Wednesday, December 16th, the PCA High School teachers and staff pressed “pause” on their regularly scheduled programming. The students thought it was an asynchronous day to catch up on homework and projects. What they didn’t know was that the teachers and staff were driving to their houses to drop off a little Christmas gift and some face(mask)-to-face(mask) interaction! It was definitely a “blessed and be blessed” kind of day! The students were reminded of how much they are loved, missed and prayed for; the teachers/staff were blessed by seeing their students in person. A parent posted this on social media: “Well, I decided to go back to bed this morning after sending M off to school. Quiet tapping at the front door, dog barking. Ignore. Doorbell rings! E is in the middle of his government test and is not going to get it. Grab a robe and my glasses to go see who it is. It’s Es art teacher in a Lion’s jersey and a Santa hat with a gift from school, and his football pictures. What a nice surprise! Thanks PCA!! We love our teachers and our school.” We love our PCA families!!
Spiritual Formation
Students have the opportunity to participate in weekly Spiritual Life Groups and Chapels where they dig into the Word of God, pray for each other, and keep each other accountable in an uplifting, inspiring and fun environment. We are blessed with chapel speakers who seek to motivate our students to go deeper in their walk with God. This month, students and staff engaged in a December Christmas Chapel series highlighting the more obscure scenes in the Christmas story. See Pastor Jordan’s message here:
Christian education has never been more important than it is today and we are seeing many families desiring to become a part of the nurturing community we have come to treasure here at Plymouth Christian. We are touring new families almost daily and welcoming new students into our community. Meeting new families and introducing them to PCA is the best part of my job! We have been averaging 7-12 tours a week these past few weeks from families seeking a Christian worldview education. We have multiple applications for next year rolling in and we are excited to open our third section of kindergarten on January 19th. Our PCA family is spreading the word about the PCA difference and it is such a blessing for me to meet your friends and neighbors and tell them about PCA. A comment that comes up often during the tours is that they can sense we are like a family here — one family even commented that we are like a “small town” tucked away here in Canton. I love that! We do love each other and pray for each other! We miss our high schoolers and other online students and can’t wait to be reunited again! Keep spreading the word! Please visit Facebook, Niche, Great Schools and Private School Review to write a review. It really helps! And if you are ever willing to share your story about PCA, please let me know! We would love to share your God-story on what PCA means to you!
Continuous Enrollment News
With enrollment on the rise at Plymouth Christian Academy, we are either at or near waitlists in many of our grades. Placement in next year’s class is an increasingly sought-after spot. Throughout PCA’s history, more than 85% of students annually enroll for the following year. We love our students and are proud to see such strong retention year after year.
Our desire is to make our re-enrollment process even simpler for PCA families and that’s why we are launching “Continuous Enrollment.” We’ve thrown out the February re-enrollment process altogether, including the $100 deposit that was required to hold your spot! This simple Continuous Enrollment process is known as the “Once An Eagle, Always An Eagle” model. With continuous enrollment you will guarantee your child’s classroom seat from now until they walk across the graduation stage.
Beginning November 20, 2020, our “Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle” model begins, which means your family will remain at Plymouth Christian unless you notify us otherwise. Our families will never have to think about re-enrollment at PCA again! Instead, we can all have confidence that our Eagles will always be Eagles!
Q: How does Continuous Enrollment work?
A: You will be part of the PCA community unless you tell us otherwise, and your child’s spot in their class will be secure until graduation.
Q: What if things change for our family?
A: You will have until April 30th to fill out the Intent to Withdraw form, simply notifying the school and face absolutely no penalty.
Q: Are there any deadlines to be aware of?
A: Families will be responsible for 10% of tuition after the April 30th deadline. For major life changes/unique circumstances resulting in withdrawal after the deadline, Superintendent and Regent Board approval is required to waive the 10% tuition fee.
We work hard to plan and prepare for students to return each year and we want to invest these tuition dollars wisely so we can provide the quality Christ-centered education you have come to know and love at PCA. We know you’ll appreciate the simple process Continuous Enrollment provides.
The athletic program applies 1 Corinthians 10:31 as our focus. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” You may hear in our team huddle breakdowns, and social media hashtags as we celebrate success that whatever we do, we do #AllForHim.
As we all wait for updated guidance from the Governor’s office and the MHSAA regarding the immediate future of high school sports beyond Dec. 20th, please know that game information will be communicated to our coaches as soon as possible if/when we are returning to play and the schedules are confirmed.
If you miss being at our home games, please consider our volunteer opportunities when our home boys and girls basketball games resume. Contact Matt Windle, AD, via email at for more information.
Reminder! Executive Order 2020-180 specifies that athletes must wear a face covering for all sports practices and contests except for cross country and tennis. This includes all off-season training for baseball and softball as well. If you do not have a mask, you cannot participate. If you are involved in any of our sports and have questions, please contact your coach. Please note that spectators are still limited to two per player for all games at this time. All home games in the Butler Gymnasium will be live-streamed at
Athletic Website & Schedule Alerts
Please follow our athletic website,, where you can view scores, schedules, articles and team/sport-specific updates. Enjoy keeping up on PCA sports! When you are on our PCA Eagles Home Page, be sure to sign up for VNN Alerts for your team. Click on ‘Sign Up For Alerts’ located just above the purple banner on the upper right side of our PCA Eagles home page or click on this link Remember to check your student’s online game schedule frequently as changes often occur during their season.
Physicals & Forms
If you have a student that is interested in participating in a PCA sport, he or she must have a current, MHSAA physical and our Sports Participation form on file in the Athletic Office BEFORE they can participate in tryouts, practices, or games. Forms are online at our school website HERE (scroll to the athletic tab), in the Secondary Office, and Athletic Office. A physical dated April 15, 2020 or after is considered a current physical and is good for the current school year until April 15, 2021. NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if your student had a current physical for the 2019-20 school year, (dated 04-15-2019 or after) the MHSAA is allowing that physical to be valid for this school year. If this applies to your student, you must complete the 2020-21 MHSAA Sports Health Questionnaire and turn it into the Athletic Dept.
Athletic Team Practice/Game
If the practice or game is not taking place right after school (starting by 3:20pm), students must report to the Study Table room, or be meeting with their teacher, in order to remain on campus. Thank you for your help with this!
High School Vocal Music has been hard at work this year. Below you will find the MSVMA Musical Theatre Solo & Ensemble highlights from soloists and one small ensemble, our Treble Trio. These students have worked extensively to prepare the acting and singing you are about to enjoy. They are awaiting results, but until then, we hope you enjoy their performances. In order of appearance:
Tessa Mueller, 10th Grade – Performing “When He Sees Me” from Waitress the Musical
Isaac Cantrell, 12th Grade – Performing “Being Alive” from Company
Lizzie McHugh, 10th Grade – Performing “What Baking Can Do” from Waitress the Musical
Rachel Brugger, 12th Grade – Performing “Someone Like You” from Jekyll & Hyde
Eve Fair, 12th Grade – Performing “Shopping Around” from Wish You Were Here
Keira Whipple, 10th Grade – Performing “How to Return Home” from Tales from the Bad Years
Angelina Horrall, 10th Grade – Performing “Just You Wait” from My Fair Lady
Alexa Grasl, 10th Grade – Performing “I Have to Tell You” from Fanny
Rachel Paulin, 12th Grade – Performing “Another Life” from The Bridges of Madison County
Treble Trio (Eve Fair, Lizzie McHugh, Keira Whipple) – Performing “I Know It’s Today” from Shrek the Musical
The PCA Band family would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you administration, faculty, and staff for supporting music education and thank you, parents, for encouraging us to find creative ways to express ourselves. We hope you enjoy our 2020 Christmas Concert!
We’ve also been recording Advent and Christmas Carols and sharing them with friends and family to spread holiday cheer. Here is a link to enjoy that playlist.