Student Resources

Welcome back! We are eager to come together again as the PCA school family this fall. This page will be devoted to providing you the resources and training tools you need for success.

After reviewing all materials on this webpage, all secondary students must complete the Technology Training Agreement form prior to the first day of school. Sponsors will follow up with missing students from their grades. You will find the link to this form at the bottom of this page.

If you need anything additional that you don't see, please contact Mr. Hammar at


All Things Google

We are pleased to announce that PCA is moving to Google Classroom! This system will streamline assignments, due dates,  communications, and so much more. Before you get started though, it's very important for you to spend time getting to know all things Google. Please use the following links to educate yourself to make your transition into Google Classroom as easy as possible! Questions? Please email Mr. Hammar at


Google Drive Presentation: Click HERE

How-to PDF: Click HERE

Google Docs Presentation: Click Here

How-to PDF: Click HERE

Google Sheets Presentation:  Click HERE

How-to PDF: Click HERE

Google Slides Presentation: Click HERE

How-To PDF: Click HERE

Google Forms Presentation: Click HERE

How-to PDF: Click HERE

Click HERE

Click HERE

Microsoft Training Materials

Click HERE

Click HERE

Click HERE

Click HERE

Click HERE

Student Technology Training Agreement

To indicate that you have reviewed all materials on this page, please complete the following form. Class sponsors will follow up with students who have not submitted this form. Thank you for your diligence as you learn the best ways to use these tools!